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- Aguas abiertas
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- Natación
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- Tiro con arco
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- Doble sculls
- 1ª Ronda
Posición | Participante | Tiempo |
1 | Manson and Harris | 06:40.350 |
2 | Gran Bretaña | 6:19.60 |
3 | Aleksandrov and Yotov | 06:40.520 |
4 | Bulgaria | 6:20.56 |
5 | Fossi and Battisti | 06:42.330 |
6 | Serbia | 6:20.62 |
7 | Walton and Collins | 06:43.930 |
8 | Cuba | 6:21.52 |
9 | Rubio Rodriguez and Oquendo | 06:52.200 |
Serie 1 6 de Agosto 16:30 |
Posición | Participante | Tiempo |
1 | Griskonis and Ritter | 06:29.110 |
2 | Borch and Tufte | 06:30.580 |
3 | Hacker and Krueger | 06:31.850 |
4 | Bozhilov and Vasilev | 06:44.310 |
Serie 2 6 de Agosto 16:30 |
Posición | Participante | Tiempo |
1 |
06:30.090 |
2 | Boucheron and Androdias | 06:33.030 |
3 | Watts and Morgan | 06:36.390 |
4 | Marjanovic and Sljukic | 07:07.290 |
Serie 3 6 de Agosto 16:30 |